Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's a blog,not a diary.

First,my blog isn't my diary. I would not talk about my personal life that much in my blog. But,it doesn't mean I will never talk about it,maybe once in a while. Blog is more like a place for me to share info,bring out a topic for discussion. And of course,make some cool friends! 

I don't want a stranger pass by me and tell, "hey yo,why you quarrel with your gf? she's such a nice girl." My face will give a what-the-F expression,totally. Serious,my life,is a life which I am the only owner. If you wanna say so much about your love stories,go buy yourself a diary instead of starting a blog. ME do not give a damn about your love story,I had my own,and it is wonderful. 

Do you recognise these keywords,blogger? 

I hope to visit a blog which will give me some really useful info. Where to eat,how to wear,what to listen. I would love to share my own opinioon on some common topic. People perspective usually contradict with one another. Discussion will be a great way to nail the solution. 

IF I talk about my personal life anytime in the future,I will make sure it is a private entry,so you won't lose your appetite. Have a nice day! 

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